Thursday, August 28, 2008

.:| the n-egg-lected |:.

Well, Maxwell has failed me in his egg-sitting duties. I came home the other night after working hands to the bone to find him enjoying a nice egg sandwich. I burst into tears as he chomped into poor Yema's corpse. It was only after he had consumed the carnivorous meal that he informed me that Yema was, in fact, sitting in the refrigerator awaiting my return. I squealed with joy and lathered my dear, precious daughter in kisses.

Later the next day...

Yema and I have been studying up for her first day of school! She is growing up so fast! She can already say her alphabet forward and backwards and can count up to 10 (Almost to 100, she gets lost in the 60's. Don't we all!) She's all excited, her first day is tomorrow and she just can't wait! I fired Maxwell after the little "egg sandwich" incident so I'm also very excited about being able to return to work, though the break was heavenly.

Well, I think that's all for today. Tomorrow we will see how Yema's first day of school went.

Monday, August 25, 2008

.:| honey, you're adopted |:.

Yema (or "yolk" in Spanish) was adopted on Monday, August 25, 2008. Reflecting her Spanish decent, Yema is a small, dark tan colored little girl who loves to cook. She also enjoys margaritas and getting caught in the rain.

Well, I have just put Yema down for the night and am thinking about our first day together tomorrow. I'll be at work all day and will be leaving her with my lovely babysitter, Maxwell. Let's hope he doesn't neglect her.