Tuesday, September 23, 2008

.:| what if adults acted their age instead of like children |:.

Well...I could take this in a serious direction or in a humorous direction...I think I'm in a funny kind of mood.

[insert mischievous laugh here]

This question got me thinking... what if people acted their shoe size? But that's not the question at hand... ONE AT A TIME PLEASE!

Anyway-- *ahem* --ONCE UPON A TIME in a land far, far away there was a little town called Drawkcab where everything happened backwards. Everyone walked backwards. Everyone talked backwards. Everyone digested backwards (that's a weird site to see). But most importantly, everyone aged backwards.

You see, people in Drawkcab were born as elderly and then aged down to fetus where they would eventually turn back into pond scum and be absorbed back into the earth. Just as in the real world, children (or the elderly) in Drawkcab thought they knew everything, ate mush for food, and every time they fell down they would immediately be rushed to the hospital for a hip transplant.

The End.

This felt like kind of a drop off story? Well... it's Drawkcab... what did you expect?


Anonymous said...

"Everyone digested backwards (that's a weird site to see)"

I have seen it (on South Park)

Amy King said...

hmm...missed that episode

Anonymous said...

u saw such before ?? [url=http://jup.cc/k/]Beautifull.[/url]

help would be cool you just click and i get 1 more pic