Monday, November 17, 2008

.:| Retro-Virus Pill |:.

What about a pill, when you take just one, it mutates your DNA in order to give you a special ability? Why not? Magneto did it with a HUGE spinning machine...or would have. Why can't I do it with a pill?

There are all kinds of pills out there. Pills to stop aches and pains. Pills to treat symptoms. Pills to poison. Pills to feed. Pills to stop the production of the parasites some call children. And pills to help the production of said parasites. Well. Now there's a pill to mutate yourself to enable a special, different ability.

How long will it take to complete the process?
The pill will start working immediately. The pill contains a retro-virus which is a man-made virus that will duplicate itself and, without harming you, will attach to your cells and injects it's DNA. That DNA will combine with your DNA to enable your ability and then, once that is complete, the virus dies. Within 24 hours, the process will be complete and permanent.

What are the side-effects?
The pill will give you cold symptoms before the process is complete. Headache, nausea, chills and a cough are all normal within the first 24 hours after you take the pill. After the first 24 hours, if symptoms continue, call your doctor or physician immediately.

How will I know when I have my special ability?
After you take the pill, the retro-virus will implant a dream-like memory to your brain that will work like a tutorial on what ability you have and how to use it. You can access it any time.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

.:| they've gotta little captain in them... |:.

"Lokapala, Tomb Guardian". China, Tang Dynasty.

I find it kind of humorous and ironic that a nation that was so strong and so mighty, had a "Captain Morgan" statue guarding the tombs of their ancestors. Maybe he did have a little Captain in him! haha...maybe not. OK! Well, as most of you can guess, Captain Morgan spiced rum actually came around AFTER the Tang dynasty in China. The Tang dynasty was established in the year 618, while the Captain Morgan dynasty didn't establish until 1944.

Regardless! This just tells me that even in the 1900's artists were having a hard time finding originality...though inspiration was obviously not lacking. SO from this inspiration births another! The inspiration to do something not done before! I don't know what that is yet exactly...but I'm definitely inspired by it!! lol

Monday, October 20, 2008

.:| October 20 |:.

1740 ~ France, Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony refuse to honour the Pragmatic Sanction and the War of the Austrian Succession begins.

1803 ~ The United States Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase.

1941 ~ World War II: Thousands of civilians in Kragujevac in German-occupied Serbia are killed in the Kragujevac massacre.

1971 ~ Snoop Dogg, American rapper, was born.

1977 ~ A plane carrying Lynyrd Skynyrd crashes in Mississippi, killing lead singer Ronnie Van Zant and guitarist Steve Gaines along with backup singer Cassie Gaines, the road manager, pilot, and co-pilot.

1988 ~ Amy Catherine King, IUPUI student, was born.

1991 ~ The Oakland Hills firestorm kills 25 and destroys 3,469 homes and apartments, causing more than $2 billion in damage.

As you can see--lots of things happened on October 20. The good, the bad and the UGLY. Whether by coincidence or chance, or for some unknown purpose, I share my date of birth with all of these events, and more!

^_^ happy birthday to me.

Monday, October 13, 2008

.:| What the ßLeeP Dø w∑ (K)πow!¿ |:.

I like this movie for a dozen different reasons. The main one being that I enjoy all the little jelly hormones running around. ^_^ I like that you can see and easily define what people are actually thinking and feeling. It makes me wish things were so easy in the real world. lol. I do think that it would have enhanced the movie had they muted everything when looking through the photographers first person point of view. It would have made those parts of the movie and the parts where she signs easier to understand. I do like how they cut from the story to various interviews talking about religion and their opinions on life, death and everything in between. I've always been fascinated by peoples opinions on god and how the hereafter works. I liked what one of the interviewees said about "we are our own god. everyone is god."

Anyway. Those are my thoughts.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

.:| sense of smell and taste |:.

well. i had baked brownies for the class this past week, but we were watching that movie so i didn't get to do my experiment. i don't have the money or time to make more so i'm going to have to describe it to you.

smell the rich chocolate of the brownies; the warm, thick smell of fudge flowing into your can taste chocolate on the air. you can feel your teeth sinking deep into the warm chocolate...until you get an awful burning feeling on your tongue as the salt from the brownies hits your mouth. that cut on the inside of your lips flares as the brownie hits it on it's way back out of your mouth.

this is the exact reason why we have 7 senses. because sometimes when you use one, two, even three or more senses, you can't tell something is bad for you...or is just bad. lol. the brownies smelled good. looked good. felt good. but tasted awful because of the salt. the only way you could've known they were bad was to taste them.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

.:| sense of sound |:.

.:| sense of sight |:.

Well. Nobody said it had to be human sight. So, I went to the dog park to see through their eyes.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

.:| sense of tranquility |:.

.:| sense of time |:.

It's about nine o'clock...ish. In my house all the clocks are set to something different so you HAVE to have a sense of time here. What makes me laugh is that blogger is gonna say it's about three hours earlier then the time it actually is...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

.:| what if adults acted their age instead of like children |:.

Well...I could take this in a serious direction or in a humorous direction...I think I'm in a funny kind of mood.

[insert mischievous laugh here]

This question got me thinking... what if people acted their shoe size? But that's not the question at hand... ONE AT A TIME PLEASE!

Anyway-- *ahem* --ONCE UPON A TIME in a land far, far away there was a little town called Drawkcab where everything happened backwards. Everyone walked backwards. Everyone talked backwards. Everyone digested backwards (that's a weird site to see). But most importantly, everyone aged backwards.

You see, people in Drawkcab were born as elderly and then aged down to fetus where they would eventually turn back into pond scum and be absorbed back into the earth. Just as in the real world, children (or the elderly) in Drawkcab thought they knew everything, ate mush for food, and every time they fell down they would immediately be rushed to the hospital for a hip transplant.

The End.

This felt like kind of a drop off story? Well... it's Drawkcab... what did you expect?

Monday, September 15, 2008

.:| what if...? |:.

what if...
pigs could fly ? dogs meowed ? everything was up-side-down ? you were up-side-down ? time went backwards for a year ? movies were real ? dreams came true ? all it took was a thought ? prince(ss) charming was out there ? there was such a thing as a happy ending ? we didn't have to blink ? we didn't have to eat ? we didn't have to sleep ? no one had an identity ? beth was president ? mary ellen was VP ? people could melt ? you bled tears ? you cried blood ? heaven was on earth ? hell was on earth ? the african american race was dominant ? the hispanic race was dominant ? we all spoke the same language ? every single person spoke a different language ? we didn't have the ability to learn ? we had no senses ? we had no sense of time ? you had to give up a sense every 20 years ? we had no emotion ? god was on earth ? beth was god ? we could live forever ? random cities randomly vanished forever ? no one missed you ? no one loved you ? it was one person's responsibility to love everyone ? it was your responsibility to love everyone ? we had no preferences ? inspiration was everywhere ? life was easy ? we didn't have to work for anything ? we didn't have/need friends ? no one lied ? lying was the only way people could die ? al gore was elected ? i stopped at 49 questions ? you answered every question ?

.:| reflection |:.


well. today's class was certainly interesting! i'm not going to sit here and recap everything that went on, but I will say this...before the break i was about as bored as could be. and how ironic!--we were talking about boredom! but i'm glad i came back for the second half. it was inspiring to say the least.

i think what i really tripped my mind was the whole "inversion" idea. take a stop light and find something else to do besides "stop" at it. i must experiment!

.:| long exposure photos |:.

Hey, this isn't my project either. I went out the other night and took a bunch of long exposure photos. This is just a few of them.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

.:| time |:.

This is not my project, this is just...venting? Trying to clear my mind maybe? Well, whatever this is, I hope some of you, or anyone responds with their thoughts.

What does it mean to live forever? The Egyptians envied it and strived to accomplish it. But what does it mean? I think it's an opinionated question. What does it mean to you personally? Does it mean that you want to live and be a physical being until the end of the earth? Or do you simply want to be remembered throughout the ages? Do you simply want your story to be told and heard and known and want to be know? It's human nature to fear death and to want immortality. We want to live a full life and experience everything there is to experience in every way there is to experience it. We want more time on earth and we want more time with those that we love and cherish.

So why can't we?

We spend all this time and thought worrying about what will happen once we die or once a loved one dies. Will I ever see them again? I didn't get to say goodbye. Did they know that I loved them? What were the last words I said to that person? Why do we bother ourselves with these depressing questions? Is there a world beyond this one that we continue our lives? Maybe in different surroundings or settings. And, if so, what's the point of death in the first place? Some dirty game mother nature plays with every living creature. Or something deeper?

I, myself ask these questions almost daily. Ever since my aunt died in January of 2007, I have asked these questions. I think back on the time I had with her and I envy myself. I long so badly to see her again, to spend more time with her. To relive the time we had together, the afternoons we would spend roaming aimlessly around the city talking about nothing and everything all at once.

The Egyptians believed that they had defeated death. That, through their rituals they had accomplished eternal life. But they all knew that they died. They still felt pain and illness. So where did their spirits go? Limbo? Hell? Heaven? Purgatory? Whatever you want to call it or whatever you believe in, (please share) I don't know, I was always taught that if you believed that a certain man walked the earth and died and rose again and was called the son of something called "god" that your soul would be forever "saved" from the fiery armpits of a terrible place called hell.

But this has COMPLETELY gotten off topic. What was our topic again? Oh yes, time. I don't know. I guess this one's got me stumped. I think I know what I want to portray, but I haven't figured out how to portray something I can't touch. I don't even know if I can define it. But I do know that I can feel it. I can taste it. I can see it when I dream at night.

I know this was long and I thank you for sticking with me! Please. Tell me your thoughts. Your feelings on this. If any.

Monday, September 8, 2008

.:| graduation |:.

Today was such a proud day for a mother! A daughter's high school graduation is one of the proudest moments of a parents life--especially a single mother!

Yema looked beautiful as she slowly walked down the aisle to receive her diploma from Egg High School. She had spoken before of wanting to go to college and study to be a sex therapist, so, being the good mother that I am, I am looking for the best college for her to be the best sex therapist out there. Unfortunately, with gas prices where they are, and tuition so high as well, the best I can do is Ivy Tech. She'll do fine I'm sure.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

.:| the n-egg-lected |:.

Well, Maxwell has failed me in his egg-sitting duties. I came home the other night after working hands to the bone to find him enjoying a nice egg sandwich. I burst into tears as he chomped into poor Yema's corpse. It was only after he had consumed the carnivorous meal that he informed me that Yema was, in fact, sitting in the refrigerator awaiting my return. I squealed with joy and lathered my dear, precious daughter in kisses.

Later the next day...

Yema and I have been studying up for her first day of school! She is growing up so fast! She can already say her alphabet forward and backwards and can count up to 10 (Almost to 100, she gets lost in the 60's. Don't we all!) She's all excited, her first day is tomorrow and she just can't wait! I fired Maxwell after the little "egg sandwich" incident so I'm also very excited about being able to return to work, though the break was heavenly.

Well, I think that's all for today. Tomorrow we will see how Yema's first day of school went.

Monday, August 25, 2008

.:| honey, you're adopted |:.

Yema (or "yolk" in Spanish) was adopted on Monday, August 25, 2008. Reflecting her Spanish decent, Yema is a small, dark tan colored little girl who loves to cook. She also enjoys margaritas and getting caught in the rain.

Well, I have just put Yema down for the night and am thinking about our first day together tomorrow. I'll be at work all day and will be leaving her with my lovely babysitter, Maxwell. Let's hope he doesn't neglect her.